The problem of the human mind in understanding of being existing !

The problem of the human mind in understanding of being existing !

 It does not make sense for the Creator to destroy himself!
 Indeed, it is a complex problem, how the human mind is convinced of the doctrine of the followers of "the unity of existence" from Ibn Arabi to Spinoza, and beyond until now!  How can there be only the Creator and the Creator alone?  What about all the various components of existence from inanimate objects to water and air to man, and how do they form part of the Creator himself?
 In the Sumerian and Babylonian myths, man came from the body of gods, and we have already separated the matter .. In modern science, the existence came from a cosmic explosion that took a place nearly fourteen billion years ago, and is still going on, meaning that the state of the explosion still exists, and that the universe is expanding  Continuously, and you do not know what state the universe will become, if the explosion reaches its limit, will it stop or will shrink and collapse to return to the state from which it was launched, perhaps to start a new cosmic cycle that may extend to new billions of years?  Personally, I do not expect this at all, and that when the explosion reaches its limit and stops expanding, the purpose of existence is complete with the Creator, and that he has achieved his desired existence and established the civilization to which he aspires to achieve the values ​​of goodness, justice, love and beauty.  It is inconceivable that he would destroy himself after all this misery in achieving himself and building civilization.
 According to this introduction, we know that all existence came from this single explosion, and that everything in existence is not independent or separate from the original that came from it, because it is from the product of the substance and energy of this explosion itself, no matter how many forms, colors and characteristics are numerous, and whatever their functions and actions are numerous.  And that every form is its own, and that every action is its own, and that there is no existence but its existence.  Bearing in mind that it is in constant development, and that all creatures and actions that do not serve civilization, are caused by the failure of the creation process to be correct in the creation process itself, and absolute control over it
