Lucid Dreaming: a back door to Creativity

Lucid Dreaming:  a back door to Creativity

Proponents of lucid dreaming make outlandish claims as to their ability to explore new realms of consciousness and creativity while controlling their dreams. In a lucid dream the dreamer realises that they are simultaneously conscious and dreaming, therefore they are able to make decisions concerning
their dream, or directing it in some way. The art of lucid dreaming is having the conscious awareness that
you are dreaming without, by doing this, causing yourself to wake up.
Lucid dreaming is a bit like anything, some people find it easy while others will wake up every time they
try to do it. Given the fact that any dream can only be made up of things you know or have experienced,
and given the fact that in order to lucid dream you are using your conscious mind, it cannot be a gateway
to a new realm of consciousness. Imagine your dream is a car and your brain is a GPS of Great Britain,
being able to direct the car means that it might be easier to get to London, but you won't be able to get to
London, Ontario.
The only real difference between a dream and a lucid dream is that in a lucid dream events happen in real
