Lose weight and enjoy long life !

  try this test for 20 succesive days and let us know !
how to lose weight and to enjoy long life? 

BUT ..... what is Raw food diet ?
A raw food diet is based on the principle that food is best eaten in its most natural state, that is, uncooked or low-heat cooked, and unprocessed, or minimally so. A raw diet consists chiefly of plant foods, although some will consume raw eggs, raw milk, or cheese made from raw or unpasteurized milk, and in some cases, raw meat. Purists will eat exclusively raw foods, while other raw dieters aim for 75 percent or more raw (called a High Raw Diet). Alcohol, caffeinated products, and refined sugars are generally left out of a raw diet. Preparing meals involves chopping, blending, soaking, sprouting, juicing, and dehydrating, to create dishes without traditional cooking methods. If heating or dehydrating, raw foodists do not turn the.

 what are the benefits of Raw food diet?

Benefits claimed from a proper raw food diet include its abundance of fiber, the variety and high nutritional density from consistent consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, a trim physique, clearer and brighter skin, and high levels of energy. 


It’s important to include some high-calorie, high-protein foods (grains )in order to feel satisfied.

Simply removing animal products from a typical  diet is going to leave you with mostly low-calorie foods such as salads, vegetables, and fruit which are full of fibers can keep you fresh and powerful. 

please do not forgot to consult your doctor 😊
